Are you having credit issues? You might have these problems and not even know it. Even if you don’t use your credit score very often, it’s something to keep in good shape. A higher credit score gives you more financial freedom. Those with credit issues do have resources, like services for credit repair & management in New Jersey, to help them improve their score. If you aren’t sure if your credit is in trouble, heed the following warnings that it is.
You Can’t Get An Apartment
Any apartment leasing company will check your credit score before they decide whether or not to lease to you. If your credit score is too low, you could have problems finding a place. This is true even if you have a high income.
You Have to Put Utility Services In Another Name
If you have to put your utility services in another person’s name because they won’t turn yours on unless you have a cosigner or a big deposit, it’s because you have bad credit. The first step here is to make your utility payments on time every month, but further credit services may be needed.
You Can’t Get a Job
If you are looking for a job with a company expense account or one that requires you to manage the company’s money, you need a good credit score. Companies shy away from hiring those with bad credit because they are viewed as irresponsible.
Don’t get embarrassed about bad credit. Get Help. The first step is to contact Square One Credit Management to get started on your credit score recovery quest.