Suppliers Who Take the Guesswork Out of Burlington County Landscaping

by | Feb 7, 2020 | Lawn Care

Did you know that there are at least 10 different kinds of soil in Burlington County? Each of them calls for different kinds of nourishment, drainage and vegetation. Using an established local landscaping business for your supplies can make a world of difference in the cost, health and appearance of your project. The ideal supply company will carry the right nursery stock for your area as well as all the Commercial & Residential Topsoil Supplies you need. A well-stocked landscaper may also help with small dumpster rental in Burlington County.

All Topsoils Aren’t Created Equal

Getting fresh topsoil is a time-tested way to replenish your garden. The highest quality topsoil is called screened compost topsoil. First, the topsoil is forced through a large mesh screen to remove twigs, leaves and large, hard clumps. Then it is mixed with compost to make it especially nourishing for your plants. Some local suppliers even mix their own compost topsoil as part of their commercial & residential topsoil supplies.

Don’t Rely on a Catalog

Photographs don’t tell the whole story. When you visit your local landscape supplier, you can see and touch the different stones and mulches you will use to perfect your landscape.

A Proven Name in Landscape Supplies

There is a landscape supplier who has been serving Burlington and the surrounding counties for over 30 years. They also help with small dumpster rental in Burlington County and offer a 10% discount to all members of the military. Visit Artistic Materials at today, or call at 609-859-2383.

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