Reasons Why You Should Hire a San Antonio Misdemeanor Attorney

by | May 22, 2023 | Law Services

Having a misdemeanor charge against you can be nerve-wracking, especially if it is your first charge. It could result in consequences like job loss, jail time, fines, criminal record, community service, or addition to your existing criminal records.

Below are some common misdemeanor charges.

  • Traffic offenses like DUI and speeding
  • Bodily harm offenses like battery and assault
  • Property theft
  • Possession of controlled substances
  • Gun possession violations
  • Perjury crimes
  • Trespassing
  • Vandalism
  • Obscenity and related crimes

Although these cases are usually minor, hiring a San Antonio misdemeanor attorney to represent you is essential. While some might view it as an unnecessary expenditure, an attorney has numerous benefits.

Reduced penalties

Different misdemeanor classes come with different penalties, which could be hectic to maneuver if you are alone.

Class A misdemeanors are the highest and attract a Sentence of up to a year in county jail and a fine of up to $4,000. Class C misdemeanors are the lowest and attract a fine of up to $500.

An attorney will help examine your case and reduce the penalties or get the whole case dismissed.

Helps avoid a criminal record

If there is much evidence against you, your lawyer can guide you in making a good deal with the judge. That can help you out of a conviction and sometimes see your criminal record expunged, meaning you don’t have to admit to people like future employers that you committed a crime.

Court appearances

If you can’t attend court, your misdemeanor attorney could appear on your behalf.

Law Office of Jesse Hernandez is the place to look if you want a well-trained and experienced San Antonio misdemeanor attorney. Visit to understand their process and charges and make a booking.

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