How to Determine if Carpenter Bees Are Damaging your Marlboro, NJ Home

by | Dec 9, 2019 | Pest Control

Bees are considered beneficial for keeping our environment beautiful by pollinating flowers and other plants. However, many homeowners do not want bees hanging around their outdoor spaces. Carpenter bees are larger in size, click here to view, and the male carpenter bees have a distinctive hairy body. Learn how to determine if a nest of carpenter bees on your Marlboro NJ property are damaging your home.

Look for Circular Bored Holes in Wooden Structures

While a group of carpenter bees in Marlboro NJ do not actually eat wood, they do bore shallow round holes into dead wood or wooden structural materials of homes, woodpiles, garages, outside wooden sheds and other buildings.

Are Carpenter Bees Aggressive or Dangerous?

Due to their penchant for boring symmetrical holes into wood, carpenter bees are very aptly named. Usually, it is the male bees of this species that hover outside of their nest. They do approach people, animals and other wildlife, but these male bees do not have a stinger with which to sting like the female carpenter bees do. However, those who have an allergy to bee venom should stay clear of bees in general. Any bee that is provoked could become aggressive and alert other bees nearby to attack.

How to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees?

If you suspect that carpenter bees have invaded your home, it is a good idea to call in a reliable pest control specialist to get rid of them.

Contact Freehold Pest Control for more information.

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