Missing teeth can be embarrassing and cause self-esteem issues. Besides these problems, it can cause an individual to improperly chew their food and cause alignment problems. Correcting this problem is easy when Dental Implants in Keizer OR are used. Dental implants solve a permanent problem.
Dental implants can last a lifetime and will look and feel like natural teeth. They never have to be removed like dentures or bridges. Another benefit of dental implants is they can hold dentures securely in place. This is a nice option to use and eliminate the use of adhesive to keep dentures in place.
The Closest Thing To A Natural Tooth
Dental implants are the closest thing to a natural, healthy tooth. They allow an individual to eat, laugh, kiss, talk, and smile like they would with a natural tooth. An individual should think about a dental implant like the tooth roots.
The Process
An experienced dentist will evaluate a patient to determine if they are a candidate for a dental implant. The gums and jawbone must be healthy. After confirmation the patient is eligible, the dentist will take imprints of the existing teeth to determine the correct size and shape of the tooth that is missing.
During the procedure, the dentist will make a small opening in the gums and drill a tiny hole into the bone. A post will be inserted into the jawbone. The healing from this will take approximately two months. Once the patient heals, they will return for a crown to be attached to the post as part of receiving Dental Implants in Keizer OR.
The crown that is attached to the post is usually made of porcelain. The dentist will match the color of the crown to the color of the other teeth located around it. A connector will be placed on top of the post before the crown is permanently attached. This connector holds and supports the crown.
There’s no reason to let a missing tooth or other dental problems affect your self-esteem or confidence. You can learn more About Shoreview Dental and the services they offer by visiting their website.