Apostille From Secretary of State in a Nutshell

by | Jan 14, 2021 | Legal

Various Uses of an Apostille

You may have never heard the term apostille, but it could very well be necessary if you plan to travel outside of the USA. An apostille is a kind of universal certification seal that renders a legal document authentic in any participating country using any language.

Not All Countries Use the Apostille Process

The Apostille process is intended to make authentication of documents for travel abroad efficient. Some countries recognize such documents and others require authentication. You can research which list your destination country is on, or your authentication office can assist you through the process. Only countries that belong to the Hague Convention accept Apostille service documents. Apostilles eliminate the requirement of multiple official authorizations, namely legalization from the embassy or consulate representing your destination country.

Types of Apostilles

You can obtain two types of apostilles, depending upon what kind of documents you require. An Apostille From Secretary of State pertains to commercial or personal documentation that includes school transcripts, birth certificates, diplomas, Powers of Attorney, and marriage certificates. The individual states handle these nonfederal documents. In contrast, an Apostille from the US Department of State applies to federal papers like FBI Background Checks, Naturalization Certificates, and IRS documents, to name a few.

When the Apostille Process is Not an Option

Some countries are not part of the Hague Convention and do not participate in Apostille services. Also called attestation, state and federal officials must authenticate and certify your documents. You must bring all your nonfederal documents before a notary before submission to government agencies. Once certified by the government, you have to legalize your papers through the Embassy or consulate of your destination country, who will affix a special stamp. Professional services can take care of authentication and apostilles where applicable.

Contact Us

If you are vacationing or conducting business on foreign soil, contact us so we can authenticate the appropriate documents. Whether you require certification by state authorities or the Federal government, we provide an expedited and reliable service in the United States. We can even take care of an Apostille From Secretary of State. Contact us at US Authentication Services or https://www.usauthentication.com/, and we can start the process today.

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