Eliminate COVID-19 With A Commercial Disinfection Service

by | Jul 8, 2020 | Pest Control Service

Cleaning services across Australia do an exceptional job of keeping workplaces and commercial spaces clean. They are not experts, nor are most cleaners trained in the disinfection of commercial or residential spaces.

Hiring a specialised commercial disinfection service in addition to a commercial cleaning service is a benefit to any business or facility, particularly during this coronavirus pandemic. However, and it is important to note, bacteria, viruses, and fungi are always problematic and can result in poor air quality, increased illness, and specific types of respiratory problems across workplaces.

Treats All Surfaces at Once

There are a variety of different disinfectants that can be applied to surfaces to kill COVID-19. Unfortunately, not using the correct concentration or failing to allow enough contact time between the disinfectant and the surface provides a false sense of the safety of the surface.

Some of the most commonly used disinfectants, such as bleach, cannot be used on specific types of surfaces. This includes carpets, furniture, upholstered items, and even on some types of electronics and equipment. Bleach can also irritate the skin, a consideration for gyms, hospitals, schools, and common areas in buildings.

A commercial disinfection service does not apply individual types of disinfectants. Instead, they use a single Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approved disinfectant that is eco-friendly and naturally degrades in a way that is safe for the workplace and the environment.

This single pass application by a commercial disinfection service is fast and effective. Most commercial spaces require a limited amount of downtime while still providing safety for customers, employees, and the general public.

Flick Pest Control provides a cost-effective, low downtime commercial disinfection service for gyms, schools, hospitals, and medical facilities, as well as common spaces and offices.

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