Medical marijuana in Philadelphia was approved based on scientific studies that gave merit to claims that cannabis could heal and treat certain conditions, especially related to pain. Since the approval of medical cannabis, there has been ongoing pressure to decriminalize additional forms of marijuana use in the state.
Medical Marijuana Is State-Regulated
Philadelphia must adhere to the state Medical Marijuana Program. Only patients with approved conditions can apply and become registered to the Department of Health’s Patient and Caregiver Registry. Originally, Pennsylvania approved 17 serious illnesses for medical cannabis use. Now there are 21 conditions, including Parkinson’s Disease, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and inflammatory bowel disease.
Traveling with Medical Marijuana
Medical marijuana in Philadelphia is unique among pharmaceuticals because it is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Moreover, laws governing it vary between states. Unfortunately, this makes traveling with medical marijuana challenging. Even if you possess a medical marijuana card, leaving Pennsylvania with your medication is ill-advised. Airports are federally regulated and can detain passengers even with a medical marijuana card. However, some facilities allow boarding with medical cannabis if you have the appropriate documents. Check ahead to save yourself any delays in your travel plans. If possible, the best option is to register in advance with the state you will be visiting. You can then obtain your medical marijuana prescription there.
Medical Marijuana Prescriptions
Smokable forms of marijuana are not yet legal in Pennsylvania. However, you can obtain medical marijuana as a pill, topical cream or ointment, essential oil, or nebulizer. Your practitioner will determine the most effective delivery mode based on the condition you are treating. You must fill all medical cannabis prescriptions through a state-licensed dispensary, not your pharmacy. Have your medical marijuana card and prescription with you. Your card is necessary to confirm you are approved by the state of Pennsylvania to possess medical marijuana. Your dispensary can usually answer any questions you may have about your prescription. Herbology has experienced staff that educates patients about all the products offered. Contact Herbology with your medical marijuana needs today.